FRATERNAL HEALTH & SAFETY INITIATIVE is a free service of Join Together, a project of the The Partnership at and Boston University School of Public Health. helps individuals assess their own alcohol consumption patterns to determine if their drinking is likely to be harming their health or increasing their risk for future harm. Through education and referral, the site urges those whose drinking is harmful or hazardous to take positive action, and informs all adults who consume alcohol about guidelines and caveats for lower-risk drinking.understanding of insurance. By working together, costs stabilize contributing to a healthier organization today and into tomorrow.
This website is a service provided by Join Together, a national project of the Boston University School of Public Health. You’ll get feedback about the likely risks of your drug use, and advice about when and where to seek more information, evaluation, and help.
Favor & Company
10555 E Dartmouth Avenue, Suite 330
Aurora, CO 80014-2664
(303) 750-1122
(800) 344-7335