Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Prevention

College is a major life transition. Students may experience their first drink at college and may often increase drinking during this time. It’s no wonder that alcohol misuse is the number one health problem among college students. And the rates of misuse and harm related to drinking are highest among fraternity and sorority members.

Alcohol and other drugs have a significant presence on college campuses. Of the students taking part in the 2011-2013 Core Alcohol and Drug Survey:

In addition to the direct health consequences, safety risks for students exist as a result of drinking or drug use. The Core Alcohol and Drug survey also found:

  • 32.2% of students reported some form of public misconduct (such as trouble with police, fighting/arguing, DWI/DUI, vandalism) at least once during the past year as a result of drinking or drug use.
  • 21.8% of students reported experiencing some kind of personal problems (such as suicide ideation, being hurt or injured, trying unsuccessfully to stop using, sexual assault) at least once during the past year as a result of drinking or drug use.


Real Talk: Healthy Use in Action

To support efforts to reduce drinking rates and alcohol-related harmful consequences, the FHSI staff collaborated with industry experts to formulate a comprehensive, down to earth, conversation about alcohol.

Should members choose to drink alcohol, the informative resources at left help inform decision-making, and educate on alcohol poisoning and taking action before it’s too late. The resources also have important information that every member should know regarding alcohol poisoning and taking appropriate measures before it’s too late. This information can also be used by the executive leadership and chapter standards (accountability) committees as an educational sanction to address individual members actions that either break fraternity policy or cause the chapter embarrassment.

All videos are courtesy of The Gordie Center (

Generation Rx

Generation Rx is a no-cost toolkit that focuses on raising awareness about the dangers of prescription drug misuse and abuse. There are a variety of workshops to choose from including; a general program about safe medication practices for life and specific educational resources focusing on the dangers of misusing opioid pain medications, prescription stimulants and sedatives.

Facilitators can deliver this presentation through either an in-person or virtual program. 

Find the latest workshops here.

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