Please explore these helpful articles from Fraternal Law Partners and other news media outlets on the latest legal issues impacting fraternities and sororities.
Stop Campus Hazing Act Signed Into Law. The North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) is thrilled that President Biden signed the Stop Campus Hazing Act (S. 2901, H.R. 5646) into law on December 24. (
Federal Stop Campus Hazing Act Signed Into Law. The Hazing Prevention Network is excited to announce that on December 24, 2024, President Joe Biden signed the federal Stop Campus Hazing Act (S.2901, H.R. 5646) into law. (
Death of Stone Foltz Results in Severe Criminal Consequences. Eight individuals involved in what is alleged to have been a fraternity hazing incident face criminal charges. (May 2021)
UVA’s Anti-Hazing Policy Deemed Reasonable. Even well intended new member requirements could be considered a form of hazing. (January 2021)
The Last Two Defendants Plead Guilty to Charges Related to the Death of Collin Wiant. (September 2020)
Supreme Court Rejects Appeals in Hazing Death Case. Fraternity president and two members to face felony hazing charges in the 2017 death of a pledge who drank heavily at an off-campus party. (August 2020)
Ohio University’s Efforts to Eliminate Hazing Ignores the Rights of its Students: Why campus wide Greek sanctions are a violation of students rights. (November 2019)
Jury Convicts Matthew Naquin of Negligent Homicide in the Death of Max Gruver. (July 2019)
Congressional Hazing Bill Has Greek Support. (June 2017)
“Off Campus” Does Not Always Mean “Off the Hook”: Liability based on actions (or inactions) of members, even when engaged in private, off-campus activities. (November 2020)
Defendants in Andrew Coffey Hazing Death Sent Back to Trial Court to Face Felony Charges: “Big Brother” event gone horribly wrong. (January 2020)
Important Decision in Delaware Case: How following proper health and safety guidelines become good facts when litigation occurs. (March 2018)
Drug Testing for Alabama Some Fraternities: An example where a major host institution has required specific organization’s members to drug test. (January 2016)
Indiana Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Phi Kappa Psi: An in depth look at legal liability of a national HQ in the state of Indiana. (March 2014)
Proactive Bystanders Needed: How Greek Organizations Can Help Prevent Campus Assaults and Death. (November 2018)
Interesting Settlement from Utah State: How a sexual assault case changed the way a University interacts with Greek Life. (September 2018)
University of Oregon Policy puts Control of Reporting Sexual Assault in Hands of Survivors: How one host institution is handling the duties of volunteers in regard to reporting. (June 2017)
Indiana Supreme Court Decides Bloomington Case: Fraternity house owners suffer a significant set-back. (March 2021)
Michigan Fraternities Sever Ties with University: University endorsed zoning laws tied to University recognition. (September 2018)
Losing University Recognition Could Mean Losing Your House: How your recognition with the University, might also effect your ability to keep your fraternity house depending on the local zoning laws. (March 2018)
Dartmouth College and the Town of Hanover, NH – A Dystopian Partnership: How recognition of a chapter had an effect on zoning laws at Dartmouth.(September 2017)
The Pros and Cons of Implementing a Transgender Membership Policy. (November 2014)
You’ve Won the Election! What to do once you have been elected to a chapter leadership position. (September 2014)
Memo to Board Members: There are times when we must close—not continue with “conditions”—chapters. (March 2014)
Bloomsburg University Attempts to Ban All Fraternities and Sororities. (May 2021)
Court Upholds USC’s Deferred Recruitment Even Though USC Knows It Violates Associational Rights. (November 2020)
Good News at Harvard! Harvard will abandon its anti-fraternity and sorority stance. (July 2020)
Federal Court Dismisses Attack on Single-Sex Membership of Fraternities at Yale. (February 2020)
Two Lawsuits Filed Against Harvard: Why did the Greek community decide to take a stand at Harvard? (January 2019)
Lawsuit Filed Against Yale is An Attack on Greek Organizations. (March 2019)
Another System-wide Suspension: The problems when a host institution makes a system-wide sanction. (June 2018)
Harvard Will Enforce Bans on Scholarships and Leadership Positions: Why joining a single-sex organization at Harvard will get you punished. (November 2017)
Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Issues Ruling in Purdue Title IX Case: How due process is effected by this ruling. (September 2019)
Title IX Due Process Applies to Private Schools. (September 2019)
Recent Developments with Campus Security Authorities. (November 2017)
Advisors Designated as Campus Security Authorities. (September 2014)
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