Supplemental Resource Guide

The Fraternal Health & Safety Initiative’s Supplemental Resource Guide (SRG) contains our guidance on facilitating a productive group process; tips for processing the activities; and stand-alone activities intended to expand on the messaging and learning outcomes provided within each of the program modules.

Additionally, we recognize that practice does not always make perfect, but it does often make action(s) permanent. With this principle in mind, a number of activities contained within the SRG are designed to be facilitated by collegiate members, chapter officers, alumni(ae) advisors, campus-based professionals and/or fraternity/sorority staff members. It is our hope that these materials can aid in supporting our FHSI Consortium Members’ prevention framework, as well as keeping the host campuses where their chapters are chartered safer. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions about the materials provided.

Check back here for additional resources that we will add to this site as we continue to build upon the momentum of the FHSI.

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