Sexual Misconduct Prevention

Our Programming

Taking a Stand

Preventing Sexual Misconduct on Campus is a research-based program for fraternities and sororities designed for use by an individual chapter, or as a conference workshop. The FHSI Advisory Panel and Consultant Staff worked to ensure that program is compliant with requirements outlined in the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act as articulated in the Clery Act (2013). The Fraternal Health & Safety Initiative (FHSI) recognizes that for prevention to be done well it must consist of ongoing messaging, programming and discussions. None of these programs are designed to be a “one and done” method of delivery, rather there are resources for follow-up with participants and chapters to foster their engaged commitment. This program features pre-program and post-program assessment and a student participant workbook. With a focus on intervention techniques, this module provides an opportunity for students to practice their intervention skills. A facilitator’s guide with an exclusive, complimentary PowerPoint® Deck is included for a more interactive facilitation.

How to Use These Materials

The Fraternal Health and Safety Initiative (FHSI) has created best practices for our member fraternity and sorority chapters to use in their efforts to prevent sexual violence and to educate members on what constitutes rape and consent. These educational materials are designed both to assist chapters as a whole to address these issues and to assist individual members in their efforts to live healthier lifestyles.

Taking a Stand: Preventing Sexual Misconduct on Campus

Topics for discussion and reflection include:

  • Interactive exercise to address how our rhetoric shapes reality and issues of desensitization

  • Defining and understanding what constitutes sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual harassment and relationship violence

  • Understanding legal issues, campus policies and possible consequences

  • Understanding consent and how to secure it

  • Bystander Intervention Strategies

  • Chapter Harm Reduction Strategies to create a safer environment

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